The Itinerant Printer has three presentations available that can be made formally or informally, in academic settings, or a little barn where people sit on bales of hay. Please inquire about presentations and pricing via email.
Tramp Printers – History and Lore
The history of itinerant printers is as old as the history of printing itself; movable type being moved by peripatetic practitioners of the black art. The nomadic lifestyle of journeymen printers is examined critically and comically, and careful consideration is given to the indispensable role tramps played in the dissemination of information, techniques, and knowledge. Indebted to: Tramp Printers by John Howells and Marion Dearman; The Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan; Adventures of a Tramp Printer by John Hicks; and A Catfish in the Bodoni by Otto J. Boutin, and a number of other books in the bibliography. Check out a brief summary here.
Modern Tramp Printing – The Road Until Now
The Itinerant Printer shares stories and images from the road, along with an overview of the cities, shops, and institutions to come. Show and tell with the postcards and prints that have been made to date, with Q & A about techniques, challenges, and little victories.
Correspondence Art and Itinerant Printing
Chat about the history of correspondence art and mail art, including some of its earliest advocates: Bern Porter, FLUXUS artists, d.a. levy, and more! The Itinerant Printer project is founded on the notion of bringing analog art objects to people via post, so it’s only fitting that we discuss courier aesthetics.